Public Relations, Social, and Digital Communications for Disruptive Startups and Purpose Driven Brands
Public Relations, Social, and Digital Communications for Disruptive Startups and Purpose Driven Brands

Public Relations, Social, and Digital Communications for Disruptive Startups and Purpose Driven Brands
Public Relations, Social, and Digital Communications for Disruptive Startups and Purpose Driven Brands
Image Professors is a dynamic, strategic communications consultancy based in Massachusetts. Owned and operated by a former journalist and veteran public relations professional, Image Professors supports purpose-driven brands, entrepreneurial startups and nonprofits.
Bill Gates, Chairman and Founder, Microsoft
Image Professors' has served as communications support for consumer, high technology (wireless, telecom, hardware, SaaS, biometrics, security, finance), real estate, education and non-profit clientele. Our thoughtful approach begins with active listening sessions, through which we educate ourselves about our clients, their specific goals, and the potential road bumps or challenges that may impact their program. We understand that public perception can affect the bottom line and that credibility can make or break a reputation.
Image Professors has the relationships and connections necessary to mange marketing communications projects from start to finish, while maintaining the flexibility not often found in large firms. Our seasoned and professional team can immediately deliver credible experience, program management skill and the strategic and tactical know-how to accomplish desired goals. Image Professors can outline and execute the initial steps necessary to build a credible and creative communications program that will result in immediate traction.
Image Professors begins building PR programming and campaigns first by listening. Once we understand your goals, we set to task to make each of them reality by pulling together a blend of communications tactics. Whether focused on revenue generation, reputation management, brand awareness (or all three!), we assess where you are now, where you want to be, and provide a roadmap to get you there.
Public relations is so much more than writing press releases. There exists both a science and cadence to developing messaging that invokes action and thoughtful methodology for connecting with the often overworked (and unpaid) news media.
The evolution of social media has encouraged many brands to adapt business models to become more digital-friendly. Whether selling product online, connecting with influencers or simply building community through online mechanisms, Image Professors' team can help with auditing, planning, scheduling and building digital marketing components to coincide with communications programming, to ensure a seamless flow across all campaigns and platforms.
~Susan Hassett, founder of Cocktail Sneakers
Massachusetts, United States
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